Write 10 example sentences future continious tensebeserta kalimat(+),(-),(?)nya​

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Write 10 example sentences future continious tensebeserta kalimat(+),(-),(?)nya​


(+) I will be preparing my exams at eight to night

(-) I wont be preparing my exams at eight to night

(?) Will I be preparing my exams at eight to night


cuman bisa kasih contoh satu

tolong di pahami aja bagaimana cara meletakkan verb nya dan object nya

ini rumusnya s + shall/will + be + present participle

kalau dia subject will to be yang di gunakan ialah= all subject

kalau shall dia memakai subject=I DAN WE


1. (+) I will be leaving for Jakarta tonight. / Aku akan sedang berangkat ke Jakarta malam ini.

(-) I won’t be leaving for Jakarta tonight. / Aku tidak akan sedang berangkat ke Jakarta malam ini.

(?) Will you be leaving for Jakarta tonight? / Apakah kamu akan sedang berangkat ke Jakarta malam ini?

2. (+) I’m going to be taking the exam tomorrow. / Aku akan sedang mengikuti ujian besok.

(-) I’m not going to be taking the exam tomorrow. / Aku tidak akan sedang mengikuti ujian besok.

(?) Are you going to be taking the exam tomorrow? / Apakah kamu akan sedang mengikuti ujian besok?

3. (+) She will be going to her sister’s concert tomorrow night. / Dia akan sedang pergi ke konser kakaknya besok malam.

(-) She will not be going to her sister’s concert tomorrow night. / Dia tidak akan sedang pergi ke konser kakaknya besok malam.

(?) Will she be going to her sister’s concert tomorrow night? / Apakah dia akan sedang pergi ke konser kakaknya besok malam?

4. (+) They will be listening radio at 10:00 AM tomorrow

(-) They will not be listening radio at 10:00 AM tomorrow

(?) Will they be listening radio at 10:00 AM tomorrow?

5. (+) I will be writing a new novel starts from February this year.

(-) i will not be writing a new novel starts from February this year

(?) Will i be writing a new novel starts from February this year.

6. (+)We shall be playing football at 04.00 o’clock this evening.

(-)We shan’t be playing football at 04.00 o’clock this evening.

(?) Shall we be playing football at 04.00 o’clock this evening?

7. (+) They will be waiting for the game this afternoon.

(-)They will not be waiting for the game this afternoon.

(?) Will they be waiting for the game this afternoon?

8. (+) She will be going to Giwangan Market with her mom next Sunday morning.

(-) She will not be going to Giwangan Market with her mom next Sunday morning.

(?)Will she be going to Giwangan Market with her mom next Sunday morning?

9.(+)He’ll be performing a dance at 01.30 pm today.

(-)He won’t be performing a dance at 01.30 pm today.

(?)Shall we be performing a dance at 01.30 pm today?

10.(+) Shandy will be attending Rizal’s wedding ceremony in California this weekend

(-) Shandy will not be attending Rizal's wedding ceremony in California this weekend

(?) will shandy be attending Rizal’s wedding ceremony in California this weekend?