Hello, friends. Let me introduce … (1). My name is kinara Rifai Halim. Everybody around me usually … (2). Me nara or kinara, I’m a… (3) of smp negeri 1 rembang. I was born in rembang. I lived…(4) cemara street no 41. My hobby is reading storybooks and singing. My… (5) are Mr. Jodi halim and djenar Alia Halim. I have two siblings… (6) are my sister and my brother, my sister is daisy Hakim. She is a student in a senior high school in rembang. Her hobby is cooking… (7) wants to be a famous chef in the future. And about my brother, he is Antoni Ferdian Halim .he is a student…(8)

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Hello, friends. Let me introduce … (1). My name is kinara Rifai Halim. Everybody around me usually … (2). Me nara or kinara, I’m a… (3) of smp negeri 1 rembang. I was born in rembang. I lived…(4) cemara street no 41. My hobby is reading storybooks and singing. My… (5) are Mr. Jodi halim and djenar Alia Halim. I have two siblings… (6) are my sister and my brother, my sister is daisy Hakim. She is a student in a senior high school in rembang. Her hobby is cooking… (7) wants to be a famous chef in the future. And about my brother, he is Antoni Ferdian Halim .he is a student…(8)


  1. myself
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  3. student
  4. in
  5. parents
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  7. she
  8. of