1)Lions are wild and strong.

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They are 'King of jungle.
They live in Africa Asia and Europe.
They can run up to so mph for short distances
and leap as far as 36 feet (lim).
They eat big and small animals.
They are very social and live in groups called Prides.
Male lions are generally larger than females.
I The males have distinctive manes of hair around
their heands.
2)Peacocks actually refer to male Peafowl.
They have beautiful and colorful tails.
They belong to Pheasant family
These birds are native to Asia
They are Omnivores Ceat both plants and animals)
They like to eat insects arthropods, amphibians,
flowers, seeds.
They produce unpleasant sounds "tolong dicari aktivitas dan karakteristik dari hewan di atas dengan bahasa inggris "TERIMA KASIH""​

1)Lions are wild and strong.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

1. Lions


They are wild, strong, so fast, very social, and live in groups. The male lions are larger than the female and have manes of hair.


They eat meat, run and leap to hunt.

2. Peacocks


They are Asian Native birds with beautiful and colorful tails and produce unpleasant sounds.


They eat both plants (seeds, flowers) and animals' meat (including insects).


1. Singa itu liar dan kuat.

Mereka adalah 'Raja Hutan.

Mereka tinggal di Afrika, Asia, dan Eropa.

Mereka dapat berlari hingga — mph untuk jarak pendek

dan melompat sejauh 36 kaki.

Mereka memakan hewan besar dan kecil.

Mereka sangat sosial dan hidup dalam kelompok yang disebut Prides.

Singa jantan umumnya lebih besar dari betina.

Laki-laki memiliki rambut yang khas  di kepala mereka.

2) Merak sebenarnya merujuk pada Merak jantan.

Mereka memiliki ekor yang cantik dan berwarna-warni.

Mereka milik keluarga Pheasant

Burung-burung ini asli dari Asia

Mereka adalah Omnivora, (memakan baik tanaman dan hewan)

Mereka suka makan serangga arthropoda, amfibi,

bunga, biji.

Mereka menghasilkan suara yang tidak menyenangkan.

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