change this sentences into correct sentences and forming it to positive . negative .and introgative 1.she don’t plays a guitar every weeks 2. I doesn’t bring a package leads this book today 5.we are going to library this weeks

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change this sentences into correct sentences and forming it to positive . negative .and introgative 1.she don’t plays a guitar every weeks 2. I doesn’t bring a package leads this book today 5.we are going to library this weeks

1. (+) she plays a guitar everyweeks
(-) she doesn't play a guitar everyweeks
(?) Does she play guitar everyweeks?

2. (+) i bring a package
(-) i don't bring a package
(-) do i bring a package ?
3. (+) you lead this book today
(-) you don't lead this book today
(-) do you lead this book today ?