10 contoh kalimat to get attention dalaam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia​

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10 contoh kalimat to get attention dalaam bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Indonesia​

Jawaban:1. Hey! – Hey!

2. Look at me! – Lihat aku!

3. Ey, listen up! – Ey, Dengarkan aku!

4. Excuse me? – Permisi?

5. May I have your attention, please? – Bisakah saya mendapatkan perhatianmu, Tolong?

6. Hello! – Halo!

7. Stop talking guys, listen up! – Stop berbicara, dengarkan ini!

8. Listen to me! – Dengarkan saya!

9. Sorry to trouble you. – Maaf membuat anda kesulitan

10. Attention, please! – Perhatian, Tolong!

Penjelasan: happy to help

– pay attention please!
– mohon perhatikan saya!

– look at me
– lihat saya

– focus please
– mohon untuk fokus

– hey!
– hai!/hey!