My name is Ahmad Jefry, people call me AJ. I have a

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brother and a sister named Danu Jefry (DJ) and Tina Jerry
(TJ). DJ is a kind brother, He always help me to finish all of
my homeworks. He also always remind me to help our
parent when he does not at home. Thus with TJ, she is a
cute sister. Even if she is our last sister but she never give
hard time for us. She never ask something difficut to find. I
love my siblings,
1. Tenemahkan teks diatas kedalam bahasa Indonesia
2. Temukan pronoun (kata ganti)
3. Temukan kalimat deskripsi
NB: Tulis jawaban di kertar
k umpulkan. tolong no 2 dan 3​

My name is Ahmad Jefry, people call me AJ. I have a


2. – Me (Object Pronoun) => I

– Us (Object Pronoun) => We

3. DJ is a kind brother. He alwasy help me to finish all of my homeworks. He also always remind me to help our

parent when he does not at home. Thus with TJ, she is a

cute sister. Even if she is our last sister but she never give

hard time for us. She never ask something difficut to find

Maaf ya kalo salah. Semoga membantu^^