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Task 9
Complete the text below with the correct words provided in the bracket below
Last Monday was a … (1) day for me. I spent my time to do a lot of
Busy Day
activities from college to my home.
First, in the morning, I did my presentation's …(2) with my partner, she
was Nurhidayah. It took three hours. Then we went to the campus to join
…(3), but the lecturer said that our presentation would be started next week.
It made us …(4)
After that, I had to go home because my grandmother was in a bad
condition. She was …(5), so it was a must for me to back home at that time. When I got there, there
were so many … (6) of my family. There were about 10 people, my aunt, my niece, my uncle and some
of my cousins. We all … (7) that our grandmother would get …(8) soon.
Those activities made my day busy.

a disappointed c. hoped e. busy
g. members
b. better
d. assignment f lecture h hospitalized​



  1. busy
  2. assignment
  3. lecture
  4. disappointed
  5. hospitalized
  6. members
  7. hoped
  8. better


  1. Senin lalu adalah hari yang … untukku. Kata yang paling tepat adalah busy (sibuk).
  2. Pertama-tama, di pagi hari, aku melakukan … presentasi dengan partnerku. Kata yang paling tepat adalah assignment (tugas).
  3. Lalu, kami pergi ke kampus untuk mengikuti…. Kata yang paling tepat adalah lecture (ceramah oleh dosen).
  4. Itu membuat kami …. Kata yang paling tepat adalah disappointed (kecewa).
  5. Nenekku …, maka aku harus pulang ke rumah. Kata yang paling teoat adalah hospitalized (masuk rumah sakit).
  6. Saat aku sampai di sana, ada banyak sekali … dari keluargaku. Kata yang paling tepat adalah member (anggota).
  7. & 8. Kami semua … bahwa nenek kami akan … sebentar lagi. Kata yang paling tepat adalah hoped (berharap) dan better (membaik).