buat kalimat simple present 15 kalimat yaa, 7 kalimat yang pake subjek tunggal (he she it) 8 subjeknya jamak (i you we they)

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buat kalimat simple present 15 kalimat yaa, 7 kalimat yang pake subjek tunggal (he she it) 8 subjeknya jamak (i you we they)


1. He/She/It

– He loves to play basketball.  

– He goes to work everyday.

– She Writes a book for her best friend.  

– He thinks he is very stupid.  

– It usually rains every day here.  

– It smells very delicious in the restaurant.

– He gets up at 5 o'clock every day.

2. I/You/We/They

– We should go to the party together.  

– We can go to the museum every Sunday.  

– We cook fried rice almost every day.  

– We go to the school together.

– They sleep in my room tonight.

– My friends are at my house.  

– They speak Bahasa in Bali.  

– I like reading books.