Write a narrative text based on the following series of pictures

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Write a narrative text based on the following series of pictures

Write a narrative text based on the following series of pictures

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A narrative text based on the pictures:


In a village there was a little boy who had a dream one night. In the dream he was told by an old woman, that a great flood would hit the village. There's nothing you could do except build a boat quickly. To prevent flooding it temporarily, plug a stick into the ground.


The boy then told all the villagers about his dream. But they all didn't believe it and laughed it off. They started to bully the boy who made a boat. Suddenly the boy took a stick and plug it into the ground. The villagers taunted him and someone came and tried to pull the stick out. But strangely, the little stick couldn't be pulled out at all. A few days passed, the boy gave a warning to the villagers that a flood was coming. They laughed and laughed.


Suddenly the boy pulled the stick out of the ground. Suddenly a very swift flow of water from the stick hole. The whole village was scared and ran.


The water was getting bigger and bigger, flooding the whole village. No one else lives in the village which is now a lake.


Teks di atas ditulis berdasarkan urutan gambar dan bertipe narrative text. Narrative text biasanya berisi dongeng atau fiksi dengan struktur sebagai berikut.

  • Orientation yang berisi pendahuluan cerita.
  • Complication yang berisi permasalahan yang muncul.
  • Resolution yang berisi pemecahan atas masalah itu.
  • Re-orientation yang berisi kesimpulan.

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Detail Jawaban

Kelas: 10

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris 5


Kode: 10.5
