mohon bantuannya ya.
soal aku lampirkan.
terima kasih banyak.
Identify the cause and the effect in the following sentence.
1. Cause: They (people) do not feel responsible for public areas like streets and parks.
Effect: People litter
2. Cause: Extreme and dangerous weather
Effect: The youth football game was stopped
3. Cause: Good Painting (dari teks – Since your painting is really good)
Effect: planned to display on the coffee shop
4. Cause: The river was so polluted
Effect: Declared biologically dead
5. Cause: Help from the community
Effect: The annual musical will go on this weekend
6. Cause: Harvest new kinds of resources
Effect: People moved into unoccupied island territories
7. Cause: People are staying in their first properties longer
Effect: Severe lack of affordable housing
8. Cause: Dishes rich in starch
Effect: Increase blood sugar level
9. Cause: A good number of people have already been infect by these viruses
Effect: Carry some immunity towards them
10. Cause: Flood concerns
Effect: One of the busiest stretches of road in the city closed down
semoga membantu maaf kl ada yg salah