L get up at five o’clock in the morning, l brush my teeth at ten past five, l take a bath at quarter past five,then l go to pray shubuh and tidy up my room.My mother ask me ro eat my breakfast very early so l have breakfast at half past five in the morning,of course l don’t forget to help her wash the dishes and wipe the floor.After l that l go to school at half past six,l go to school on foot,it takes fifteen minutes to go to school,and l arrive at school at quartes to seven.The school begins at seven o’clock in the moerning and finishesat half past one in the afternoon.

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L get up at five o’clock in the morning, l brush my teeth at ten past five, l take a bath at quarter past five,then l go to pray shubuh and tidy up my room.My mother ask me ro eat my breakfast very early so l have breakfast at half past five in the morning,of course l don’t forget to help her wash the dishes and wipe the floor.After l that l go to school at half past six,l go to school on foot,it takes fifteen minutes to go to school,and l arrive at school at quartes to seven.The school begins at seven o’clock in the moerning and finishesat half past one in the afternoon.


Aku bangun jam lima pagi, aku menggosok gigi jam sepuluh lewat lima, aku mandi jam lima lewat lima belas, lalu aku pergi sholat shubuh dan membereskan kamar. Ibuku menyuruhku makan sarapan pagi. sangat awal jadi saya sarapan jam setengah lima pagi, tentu saja saya tidak lupa membantunya mencuci piring dan menyeka lantai. Setelah saya pergi ke sekolah jam setengah enam, saya pergi ke sekolah dengan berjalan kaki , dibutuhkan lima belas menit untuk pergi ke sekolah, dan saya tiba di sekolah pada pukul tujuh. Sekolah dimulai pada pukul tujuh pagi dan selesai pada pukul setengah satu siang.


maaf ya kalo ada yang salah kak

semangat kakak !