Kak tolong bantuoini​

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Kak tolong bantuoini​

Kak tolong bantuoini​

1. It is half past nine (Pukul sembilan lebih 30 menit) 09.30

2. It is a quarter to eight (Pukul delapan kurang 15 menit) 07.45

3. It is twenty past one (Pukul satu lebih 20 menit) 01.25

4. It is three o'clock (Pukul tiga tepat) 03.00

5. It is five to five (Pukul lima kurang 5 menit) 04.55

-Half = setengah (30 menit)

-Quarter = seperempat (15 menit)

-Past = lebih/ lewat

-To = kurang