Write sentences with the PAST SIMPLE and PAST CONTINUOUS . Use Because , When , While , and So.

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1. I / nearly drown / I / swim in very deep water /
2. We / see a whale / we / sail in the Mediterranean/
3. I / not know how to dive / I / stay on the boat /
4. I / swim with sharks / one of them / attack me /

Write sentences with the PAST SIMPLE and PAST CONTINUOUS . Use Because , When , While , and So.


→ Because digunakan untuk menggabungkan klausa yang berisi penyebab.

→ When digunakan untuk menggabungkan klausa simple past.

→ So digunakan untuk menggabungkan klausa yang berisi akibat/hasil.

→ While digunakan untuk menggabungkan klausa past continuous.



1. I nearly drowned because I swam in very deep water.

[Aku hampir tenggelam karena aku berenang di laut yang sangat dalam]

2. We saw a whale while we were sailing in the Mediterranean (sea).

[Kami melihat seekor ikan paus saat kami berlayar di laut Mediterania]

3. I didn't know how to dive so I stayed on the boat.

[Aku tidak tahu caranya menyelam jadi aku tinggal di atas perahu]

4. I was swimming with sharks when one of them attacked me.

[Aku sedang berenang dengan ikan hiu disaat salah satu dari ikan hiu tersebut menyerangku]