contoh report text tentang apa aja yang penting minimal bisa di tulis 2 kaca kertas folio bergaris? jgn sampai mengiris ke descriftive text atau explanation text

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contoh report text tentang apa aja yang penting minimal bisa di tulis 2 kaca kertas folio bergaris? jgn sampai mengiris ke descriftive text atau explanation text

Last month, Rahmat and his girlfriend went to Ancol. they went to ancol to see the seaworld and swim in Gelanggang Samudera.
they went at 9 a.m from their house by taxi, on the way, they bought Aqua and snacks at Indomaret. in ancol, first they went to the sea world. there were many kinds of fish the saw. they were sometimes afraid of seeing very big fish
after that, they swan in Gelanggang Samudera. they were very happy swimming while making a joke, at 4 o'clock they went home
The trip was tiring, but Rahmat and his gf enjoyed the trip very much