3. reading/is/ is not / but/ optional / discourse

Posted on

4. is confusing / confused / the text book/ and/I am
5. the first day / looked / of school/ he / neat
6. impatient/ she/ marketing/ to take / is/ level/ intermediate
7. archipelago / is / Indonesia/ the largest/ the word in
8. the capital/ of / Jayapura / West/ Papua / province / is

3. reading/is/ is not / but/ optional / discourse


Decode the text above!

3. Reading is not optional but is discourse.

4. The textbook is confusing, and I am confused.

5. In the first day of school, he looked neat.

6. She is impatient to take the intermediate level in marketing.

7. The largest archipelago is the word in Indonesia?

8. The Capital of West Papua province is not Jayapura.


But the capital city of Papua New Guinea is indeed Jayapura.

Materi: Decoding Problem Solving Texts

Kelas: 7