Got a Flu

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My sister, Gioni has got a cold for two days. She cannot go to school today. She has got a sore throat. She also sneezs and caughs almost of the time. My mom takes her to a doctor. The doctor examines and asks her,
"What do you feel, Gioni?"
"I think I got a cold, doctor."
"Do your nose runny or your eyes sore?"
"Yes, doctor."
"You've got a flu. It is more serious than a cold. You have to take a rest."
The doctor gives her prescription for some medicines. She must take a rest at least three days.

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Got a Flu


Terkena Flu

Adikku, Gioni masuk angin selama dua hari. Dia tidak bisa pergi ke sekolah hari ini. Dia punya sakit tenggorokan. Dia juga hampir selalu bersin dan batuk. Ibuku membawanya ke dokter. Dokter memeriksa dan bertanya padanya,

"Apa yang kamu rasakan, Gioni?"

"Saya pikir saya masuk angin, dokter."

"Apakah hidungmu berair atau matamu sakit?"

"Ya, dokter."

"Kamu terkena flu. Ini lebih serius daripada pilek. Kamu harus istirahat."

Dokter memberikan resep untuk beberapa obat. Dia harus istirahat setidaknya tiga hari.
