Rewrite the sentence in the passive.use the “by” agent only when necessary

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yg dijawab no 11-20 aja​

Rewrite the sentence in the passive.use the “by” agent only when necessary

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11. Patients are examined on the second floor.

12. Coffee is grown in Temanggung.

13. Her pet is fed twice a day.

14. The newspaper is delivered in the morning.

15. Books are lent only to students.

16. Nice and cheap clothes are sold in this shop.

17. English isn't taught everyday.

18. Spanish isn't spoken in Italy.

19. Are flowers picked every morning?

20. Is football played in the school yard every Sunday afternoon?


Perintah soal di atas adalah menulis ulang dalam bentuk pasif. Penggunaan "by" hanya jika diperlukan. Jadi, pada kalimat di atas, beberapa kalimat penggunaan "by" tidak dituliskan.

Kalimat di atas menggunakan passive simple present tense.


(+) object + am/is/are + verb 3 + by subject.

(-) object + am/is/are + not + verb 3 + by subject.

(?) Am/is/are + object + verb 3 + by subject?

Wh question: wh + am/is/are + object + verb 3 + by subject?

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