Tolong bantuin ngerjakannya kak
1. (+) she is going to be my roomate
(-) she is not going to be my roomate
2. (+) they will be in this room later
(-) they will not be in this room later
3. (+) your mother is going to be here
(-) Your mother is not going to be here
4. (+) we will travel by bus
(?) will we travel by bus?
5. (+) my father and brother will repair the car
(?) will my father and brother repair the car?
6. (+) They are going to have a party tomorrow?
(?) Are they going to have a party tomorrow ?
7. (-) She will not be your roomate
(?) will she be your roomate?
8. (-) They're not going to be here in this room soon
(?) are they going to be here in this room soon ?
9. (-) My mother is going to be here in ten minutes
(?) is my mother going to be here in ten minutes?
10. (-) Rama and sintia will not probably be famous one day
(?) will rama and sintia probably be famous one day?
1. (+) She is going to be my roommate.
(-) She is not going to be my roommate.
(?) Is she going to be my roommate?
2. (+) They will be in this room later.
(-) They will not be in this room later.
(?) Will they be in this room later?
3. (+) Your mother is going to be here.
(-) Your mother is not going to be in here.
(?) Is your mother going to be here?
4. (+) We will travel by bus.
(-) We will not travel by bus.
(?) Will we travel by bus?
5. (+) My father and I will repair the car.
(-) My father and I will not repair the car.
(?) Will my father and I repair the car?
6. (+) They are going to have a party tomorrow.
(-) They aren't going to have a party tomorrow.
(?) Are they going to have a party tomorrow?
7. (+) She will be your roommate.
(-) She will not be your roommate.
(?) Will she be your roommate?
8. (+) They're going to be in this room soon.
(-) They are not going to be in this room soon.
(?) Are they going to be in this room soon?
9. (+) My mother is going to be here in ten minutes.
(-) My mother is not going to be here in ten minutes.
(?) Is my mother going to be here in ten minutes?
10. (+) Rama and Sintia will probably be famous one day.
(-) Rama and Sintia will probably not be famous one day.
(?) Will Rama and Sintia probably be famous one day?