Buatlah 3 kalimat nominalbuatlah 3 kalimat verbalBaHaSa Inggris​

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Buatlah 3 kalimat nominalbuatlah 3 kalimat verbalBaHaSa Inggris​


Kalimat nominal :

Harry is very diligent.

Luna is a teacher.

Ginny is a cute girl.

Kalimat verbal :

Ron reads a book.

Remus goes to Surabaya.

Hannah takes a bus to school.


Kalimat nominal bisa disebut sebagai kalimat yang tidak menggunakan kata kerja (verb), tetapi bersifat menerangkan subjek, seperti kalimat  'Luna is a teacher', kalimat tersebut menyebutkan pekerjaan Luna atau dengan kata lain, menerangkan subjek. Sedangkan kalimat verbal bisa disebut sebagai kalimat yang mempunyai kata kerja (verb), seperti kalimat Ron reads a book, dimana kata 'reads' adalah kata kerja (verb).

Semoga membantu 🙂


verbal = kata kerja :

1. She goes to school

2. He watches TV

3. Mirna drinks a coffé 4. I study at my school

5. Father reads a newspaper

6. I sleep in the bedroom

7. We invite our friends to his house 8. I cook some food in the kitchen

9. They draw some picture in the class

10. Tina breaks his ruler


1. I am lazy when my teacher give me

some homework

2. She is pretty 3. We are clever

4. He was sick 2 days ago

5. Rony is talkative

6. Mother is busy with her bussines 7. Andi is in the airport yesrday

8. He is friendly to her

9. I am bored every day

10. They are a good boy everytime


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