Kalimat Passive dari:

Posted on

1. The students are observing plants in the
school garden.
2. Wirawan prepared the gear he is going
to use during his adventure in France just
3. Does father keep the ladder in the store
4. The government will build more
playgrounds for children in the suburbs.

Kalimat Passive dari:

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


1. The students are observing plants in the
school garden.
→ plants are being observed by the students in the school garden

2. Wirawan prepared the gear he is going
to use during his adventure in France just
→ the gear Wirawan is going to use during his adventure in France was prepared by him just now

3. Does father keep the ladder in the store
→ is the ladder kept by father in the store?

4. The government will build more
playgrounds for children in the suburbs.
→ more playgrounds will be built by the government in the suburbs