Tolong bantu ya dari mengubah kata acak menjadi kalimat yg tepat :D

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1. is – a – girl – she
2. every – night – tv – he – watches
3. is – broccoli – food – healthy
4. are – they – a – washing – car
5. he – at – is – repair shop – the – repair – to – bycycle – his
6. rises – the sun – in – east – the
7. the – expensive – rice – is
8. they – camping – go – sunday – on
9. go – i – a – twice – week – swimming
10. mother – to the market – everyday – comes

Tolong bantu ya dari mengubah kata acak menjadi kalimat yg tepat 😀

1. she is a girl
2. he watches tv every night
3. broccoli is healthy food
4. they are washing a car
5. he is at the repair shop to repair his bicycle
6. the sun rises in the east
7. the rice is expensive
8. they go camping on sunday
9. i go swimming twice a week
10. mother comes to the market everyday

She is a girl
He watches tv every night
Broccoli is healthy food
They washing a car
He is at the repair shop to repair his bycycle
the sun rises in the east
the rice is expensive
They go camping on sunday
I go swimming twice a week
everyday mother comes to the market.
semoga membantu^^