Berikan contoh dari conditional sentence? jelaskan!

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Berikan contoh dari conditional sentence? jelaskan!

 conditional sentence itu semacam kalimat pengandaian, misalnya jika saya kaya maka saya akan membeli mobil.

ada 3 bentuk CS :

Type 1 : yang pasti terjadi (likely to happen), bentuk / struktur kalimatnya :
If + S + Verb 1 (Simple Present) + S + Future Tense (will + V1) + O
If + S + is / am / are (tobe) + adjective (kt.sifat) + S + Future Tense
Ex: If i have much money, i will buy a car
If i am rich, i will buy a motorcycle

Type 2 : diharapkan terjadi sekarang namun kenyataannya tidak terjadi, struktur kalimatnya:

If + S + Verb 2 (Past Tense) + s + Would + Verb 1
If + S + were + adj. / noun (kata sifat / benda) + S + Would + Verb 1

Ex : If i were a boy, i think i could understand
If only i could turn back time, i would stay for the night
If i were rich, i would buy a car

Type 3: semacam penyesalan (hal yang tak mungkin terjadi karena waktunya sudah lewat), bentuk kalimat :

If + S + past perfect + s + Past perfect future (would / could have + V3)
Ex : If Zakki had studied hard, he would have passed the test