1. Look! The park is … Let’s study there together.

Posted on

2. Rude gets ten in English. He is a … student.
3. You look so … with that gown Amira!
4. I have two cats. They are very … . I love them.
5. The sun is … . Let's swim in the pool !
6. Elephants are … animals. They are strong, too.
7. The road is … . We must be careful.
8. There is an ant on the table. It is a … animal.
9. Jakarta has many … buildings.
10. It is a … book. It has lots of pages.

a. Big
b. High
c. Clever
d. Clean
e. Thick
f. Cute
g. Small
h. Beautiful
i. Crowded
j. Bright

ada yang bisa jawab gak​

1. Look! The park is … Let’s study there together.





4. f. Cute

5. j. Bright

6. a. Big


8. g. Small

