Make these sentences passive :

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1) People who work in a big company eam a lot of money
2) They will provide shelter and clothes Answer:
3) My instructor told me how people in America make money
4) Economists describe how capital is used in business
5) The economist explains the economic system
6) The farhers will sell their crops to the company
7) Most people produce goods and services
8) Economic changes affect our lives Answer:
9) In United States people can own property
10) Government provided at I the necessary goods and services

Make these sentences passive :

Make these sentences passive :

1) People who work in a big company earn a lot of money

  • A lot of money is earned by people who work in a big company

2) They will provide shelter and clothes

  • Shelter and clothes will be provided by them

3) My instructor told me how people in America make money

  • I was told by my instructor how people in America make money

4) Economists describe how capital is used in business

  • Somebody is described by economists how capital is used in business

5) The economist explains the economic system

  • The economic system is explained by the economist

6) The farmers will sell their crops to the company

  • The farmers' crops will be sold by the farmers to the company

7) Most people produce goods and services

  • Goods and services are produced by most people

8) Economic changes affect our lives

  • Our lives are affected by Economic changes

9) In United States people can own property

  • In United State, property can be owned by people

10) Government provided the necessary goods and services

  • The necessary goods and services were provided by Government.


Simple Present Tense

Active Voice

  • S + V1 + O

Passive Voice

  • S + is/am/are + V3 + by + agent

Simple Past Tense

Active Voice

  • S + V2 + O

Passive Voice

  • S + was/were + V3 + O

Simple Present Future

Active Voice

  • S + will + V1 + O

Passive Voice

  • S + will + be + V3 + by + agent

Simple Present Modal

Active Voice

  • S + can/may/must + V1 + O

Passive Voice

  • S + can/may/must + be + V3 + by + agent