Tugas 1:tuliskan kondisi yang baik taman (park) berdasarkan dialog dibawah ini!

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siti:this park is shady and the flowers are colourfui .i
like this park
lina:i do,too .this is a wonderful park
edo:look ! there are butterflies.
dayu:they're pretty.
beni:there are garbage cans ,too.we can keep this park clean.
udin:i like studying here .the weather is nice. the park is beautful and .it.s a beautful day !

according to the students ,the mark has the following good qualities…….
1. this park is shady.
2. ……………
3. …………….
4. …………….
5. …………….
6. ……………

siti likes the park because……..
1. the park is shady.
2. …………..

udin likes studying in the parkbecause…….
1. the weather is nice
2. …………….
3. ……………..​

Tugas 1:tuliskan kondisi yang baik taman (park) berdasarkan dialog dibawah ini!

Good qualities:

1. This park is shady.

2. The flowers are colorful.

3. There are pretty butterflies.

4. There are garbage cans to make it clean.

5. The weather is nice.

6. The park is beautiful.

Siti likes the park because:

1. The park is shady.

2. The flowers are colorful

Udin likes studying in the park because:

1. The weather is nice.

2. The park is beautiful.

3. It is a beautiful day.

Maaf kalau salah