Di jawab ya kak makasih

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Di jawab ya kak makasih

Di jawab ya kak makasih

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


Jawaban Pertanyaan (3)

Catatan : Untuk menjawab soal seperti diatas, hal yang pertama kali harus diketahui adalah titik waktu yang digunakan dalam setiap kalimat atau paragraf dari teks soal. Dalam kasus ini, terdapat kata kunci untuk menjawab soal diatas. Terdapat kata "yesterday" diawal paragraf yang mengindikasikan bahwa aktivitas yang dilakukan berada di titik waktu lampau. Setelah mengetahui titik waktunya, kita bisa memilih bentuk kata kerja apa yang akan kita gunakan. Dalam hal ini, bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan adalah past form.

a. got up = bangun

b. did a wash = membersihkan diri / mencuci

c. cooked = memasak

d. came out of =  keluar dari

e. went back = kembali ke

f. served = menyajikan

g. was cold = dingin

h. made = membuat

i. played with = bermain dengan

j. sang = menyanyikan / bernyanyi

"Now write about a day in your life"

Yesterday, I went out with my father for fishing. It was a sunny Saturday morning. We decided to go to the lake near our house because the view there was really beautiful. We took at least almost 30 minutes to get there by bicycle. After getting there, we set up our fishing rods and all equipment needed. We started fishing under a shady old tree there because my father said that most fish likes a cool place. While waiting for the fish to take our bait, my father started to tell me about a story. It was about his childhood. He said that this lake was also the favorite place of fishing for my father and his friends. They also often swam there because the water stream was mild. I was very excited with my father's story. That made me did not realize that the fish took my bait already. After realizing that, I pulled my rod and started to roll up my reel. The fish started to surrender and I caught it very easily. It was a big catch. I felt very happy getting such a huge fish. Evening came, my father asked me to end and then we went home together.

Jawaban Pertanyaan (4)

  1. What time did you get home yesterday?
  2. Did you have a shower or a bath?
  3. What did you have for breakfast?
  4. Did you walk to school?
  5. Did you go shopping?
  6. When did he do his homework?

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Recount text : brainly.co.id/tugas/3749269

Simple past tense : brainly.co.id/tugas/703346

Detil Pertanyaan

Kelas : SMP 8

Bab : Recount text

Kode : 8.5.2

Kata kunci : Recount, Simple past tense

1. What time did you get up yesterday?
2. Did you have a bath or a shower?
3. What did you have for breakfast?
4. Did you walk to school?
5. Did you go shopping?
6. When did he do his homework?