1. Telaga Sarangan is the name of a beautiful lake in East Java. It is located in Magetan Regency, on the slope of Mount Lawu. Green hills and a cool breeze make the lake more beautiful.Tourists can enjoy the beauty of the lake through various rides. There are 51 speedboats and 13v pedal boats to use. They can also ride horses to go around the bank. It takes about twenty minutes to go around on horseback.Tourists can spend the night at hotels near the lake. There are about forty-five hotels and eighteen inns. From the balcony of the hotels, tourists can enjoy the green panorama of the hills and the sparkling green lake. Before going home, tourists can buy souvenirs in the shops near the hotels. They can purchase bamboo handicrafts, leather shoes, and special foods of Magetan. After reading the text above what do you think the readers will do? *

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A. They will have no intention of visiting the place
B. They will tell others about the place
C. They will plan to visit the place
D. They will not care about the place
2. Telaga Sarangan is the name of a beautiful lake in East Java. It is located in Magetan Regency, on the slope of Mount Lawu. Green hills and a cool breeze make the lake more beautiful.Tourists can enjoy the beauty of the lake through various rides. There are 51 speedboats and 13v pedal boats to use. They can also ride horses to go around the bank. It takes about twenty minutes to go around on horseback.Tourists can spend the night at hotels near the lake. There are about forty-five hotels and eighteen inns. From the balcony of the hotels, tourists can enjoy the green panorama of the hills and the sparkling green lake. Before going home, tourists can buy souvenirs in the shops near the hotels. They can purchase bamboo handicrafts, leather shoes, and special foods of Magetan. From the text we can conclude that………. *
A. There is not enough transportation to reach Telaga Sarangan.
B. Many foreign tourists come to Telaga Sarangan on Sundays.
C. Tourists like to buy the souvenirs in Telaga Sarangan because they are cheap.
D. There are a lot of places to stay in when tourists want to spend the night in Sarangan
3. The greatest earthquake that ever shook Yogyakarta in recent years was that which happened in May 27, 2006. At around 05:00 AM local time, the residents of Yogyakarta was shocked by a magnitude 6.3 earthquake. A lot of houses in Bantul Regency collapsed or were damaged. Other regions did not have as much damage. Prior to the earthquake, the city was affected by Merapi eruptions. Therefore, as the earthquake occurred, a lot of immediately suspected that Merapi was behind the disaster. In the streets, people fled to two directions, away from and towards Mount Merapi. The people fleeing towards Mount Merapi were affected by the rumor that the earthquake was caused by a tsunami. Those who avoided the mount thought that it was going to erupt once more. As blackouts occurred and lines of communication were down temporarily, people were waiting for the news of the disaster. Radio stations announced that the earthquake was centered in the southern coast. The text tells us about…………… *
A. The damage and losses because of Yogyakarta earthquake.
B. The earthquake and volcanic eruption in Yogyakarta.
C. The 2006 earthquake in Yogyakarta.
D. Merapi eruption in Yogyakarta.
4. The greatest earthquake that ever shook Yogyakarta in recent years was that which happened in May 27, 2006. At around 05:00 AM local time, the residents of Yogyakarta was shocked by a magnitude 6.3 earthquake. A lot of houses in Bantul Regency collapsed or were damaged. Other regions did not have as much damage. Prior to the earthquake, the city was affected by Merapi eruptions. Therefore, as the earthquake occurred, a lot of immediately suspected that Merapi was behind the disaster. In the streets, people fled to two directions, away from and towards Mount Merapi. The people fleeing towards Mount Merapi were affected by the rumor that the earthquake was caused by a tsunami. Those who avoided the mount thought that it was going to erupt once more. As blackouts occurred and lines of communication were down temporarily, people were waiting for the news of the disaster. Radio stations announced that the earthquake was centered in the southern coast of Yogyakarta, likely due to a fault slip. “As blackouts occurred…..” (paragraph 3)What does the underlined word mean? *
A. Darkness due to no electricity.
B. A period of darkness due to a storm.
C. A period of darkness due to a natural disaster.
D. A period of darkness due to an electrical power failure.

1. Telaga Sarangan is the name of a beautiful lake in East Java. It is located in Magetan Regency, on the slope of Mount Lawu. Green hills and a cool breeze make the lake more beautiful.Tourists can enjoy the beauty of the lake through various rides. There are 51 speedboats and 13v pedal boats to use. They can also ride horses to go around the bank. It takes about twenty minutes to go around on horseback.Tourists can spend the night at hotels near the lake. There are about forty-five hotels and eighteen inns. From the balcony of the hotels, tourists can enjoy the green panorama of the hills and the sparkling green lake. Before going home, tourists can buy souvenirs in the shops near the hotels. They can purchase bamboo handicrafts, leather shoes, and special foods of Magetan. After reading the text above what do you think the readers will do? *


1. Telaga Sarangan adalah nama danau yang indah di Jawa Timur. Terletak di Kabupaten Magetan, di lereng Gunung Lawu. Perbukitan hijau dan angin sepoi-sepoi membuat danau semakin indah. Wisatawan dapat menikmati keindahan danau melalui berbagai wahana. Ada 51 speedboat dan 13v pedal boat untuk digunakan. Mereka juga bisa naik kuda untuk berkeliling bank. Dibutuhkan sekitar dua puluh menit untuk berkeliling dengan menunggang kuda. Wisatawan dapat menghabiskan malam di hotel-hotel dekat danau. Ada sekitar empat puluh lima hotel dan delapan belas penginapan. Dari balkon hotel, wisatawan dapat menikmati panorama hijau perbukitan dan danau hijau yang berkilau. Sebelum pulang, wisatawan dapat membeli oleh-oleh di toko-toko di dekat hotel. Mereka dapat membeli kerajinan bambu, sepatu kulit, dan makanan khas Magetan. Setelah membaca teks di atas, menurut Anda apa yang akan dilakukan pembaca? *

A. Mereka tidak akan berniat mengunjungi tempat itu

B. Mereka akan memberi tahu orang lain tentang tempat itu

C. Mereka akan berencana untuk mengunjungi tempat itu

D. Mereka tidak akan peduli tentang tempat itu

2. Telaga Sarangan adalah nama danau yang indah di Jawa Timur. Terletak di Kabupaten Magetan, di lereng Gunung Lawu. Perbukitan hijau dan angin sepoi-sepoi membuat danau semakin indah. Wisatawan dapat menikmati keindahan danau melalui berbagai wahana. Ada 51 speedboat dan 13v pedal boat untuk digunakan. Mereka juga bisa naik kuda untuk berkeliling bank. Dibutuhkan sekitar dua puluh menit untuk berkeliling dengan menunggang kuda. Wisatawan dapat menghabiskan malam di hotel-hotel dekat danau. Ada sekitar empat puluh lima hotel dan delapan belas penginapan. Dari balkon hotel, wisatawan dapat menikmati panorama hijau perbukitan dan danau hijau yang berkilau. Sebelum pulang, wisatawan dapat membeli oleh-oleh di toko-toko di dekat hotel. Mereka dapat membeli kerajinan bambu, sepatu kulit, dan makanan khas Magetan. Dari teks kita dapat menyimpulkan bahwa ………. *

A. Tidak ada cukup transportasi untuk mencapai Telaga Sarangan.

B. Banyak turis asing datang ke Telaga Sarangan pada hari Minggu.

C. Wisatawan suka membeli oleh-oleh di Telaga Sarangan karena harganya murah.

D. Ada banyak tempat untuk tinggal ketika wisatawan ingin bermalam di Sarangan

3. Gempa bumi terbesar yang pernah mengguncang Yogyakarta dalam beberapa tahun terakhir adalah gempa yang terjadi pada 27 Mei 2006. Sekitar pukul 05:00 pagi waktu setempat, penduduk Yogyakarta dikejutkan oleh gempa berkekuatan 6,3 skala Richter. Banyak rumah di Kabupaten Bantul runtuh atau rusak. Daerah lain tidak memiliki banyak kerusakan. Sebelum gempa, kota ini terkena dampak letusan Merapi. Karena itu, ketika gempa terjadi, banyak yang langsung curiga bahwa Merapi berada di belakang bencana. Di jalan-jalan, orang-orang lari ke dua arah, jauh dari dan menuju Gunung Merapi. Orang-orang yang melarikan diri ke Gunung Merapi dipengaruhi oleh desas-desus bahwa gempa bumi disebabkan oleh tsunami. Mereka yang menghindari gunung mengira bahwa gunung itu akan meletus sekali lagi. Ketika pemadaman listrik terjadi dan jalur komunikasi turun sementara, orang-orang menunggu berita bencana. Stasiun radio mengumumkan bahwa gempa itu berpusat di pantai selatan. Teks ini memberi tahu kita tentang …………… *

A. Kerusakan dan kerugian karena gempa Yogyakarta.

B. Gempa bumi dan letusan gunung berapi di Yogyakarta.

C. Gempa bumi 2006 di Yogyakarta.

D. Erupsi Merapi di Yogyakarta.

4. Gempa bumi terbesar yang pernah mengguncang Yogyakarta dalam beberapa tahun terakhir adalah gempa yang terjadi pada 27 Mei 2006. Sekitar pukul 05:00 pagi waktu setempat, penduduk Yogyakarta dikejutkan oleh gempa berkekuatan 6,3 skala Richter. Banyak rumah di Kabupaten Bantul runtuh atau rusak. Daerah lain tidak memiliki banyak kerusakan. Sebelum gempa, kota ini terkena dampak letusan Merapi. Karena itu, ketika gempa terjadi, banyak yang langsung curiga bahwa Merapi berada di belakang bencana. Di jalan-jalan, orang-orang lari ke dua arah, jauh dari dan menuju Gunung Merapi. Orang-orang yang melarikan diri ke Gunung Merapi dipengaruhi oleh desas-desus bahwa gempa bumi disebabkan oleh tsunami. Mereka yang menghindari gunung mengira bahwa gunung itu akan meletus sekali lagi. Ketika pemadaman listrik terjadi dan jalur komunikasi turun sementara, orang-orang menunggu berita bencana. Stasiun-stasiun radio mengumumkan bahwa gempa itu berpusat di pantai selatan Yogyakarta, kemungkinan karena kesalahan selip. "Ketika listrik padam …" (paragraf 3) Apa arti kata yang digarisbawahi? *

A. Kegelapan karena tidak ada listrik.

B. Masa kegelapan karena badai.

C. Masa kegelapan karena bencana alam.

D. Masa kegelapan karena kegagalan daya listrik.