I have been attending TV debates for the past many days where our Mahadev was being insulted and disrespected continuously. It was mockingly being said that it is not Shivling but a fountain. The Shivling was also being ridiculed by comparing it t roadside signs and poles in Delhi. I could not tolerate this continuous insult and disrespect towards our Mahadev and I said some things in response to it. If my words have caused discomfort or hurt religious feelings of anyone whatsoever, I hereby unconditionally withdraw my statement. It was never my intention to hurt anyone’s religious feelings.​

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I have been attending TV debates for the past many days where our Mahadev was being insulted and disrespected continuously. It was mockingly being said that it is not Shivling but a fountain. The Shivling was also being ridiculed by comparing it t roadside signs and poles in Delhi. I could not tolerate this continuous insult and disrespect towards our Mahadev and I said some things in response to it. If my words have caused discomfort or hurt religious feelings of anyone whatsoever, I hereby unconditionally withdraw my statement. It was never my intention to hurt anyone’s religious feelings.​

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

The text above is an example of a statement of an apology which was written by someone in relation to his or her previous statement which he or she thinks that it hurt someone's feelings. The part of the apology statement is in this part “I hereby unconditionally withdraw my statement”.


Teks di atas adaolah sebuah contoh dari statement of apology atau permohonan maaf. Permohonan maaf tersebut ditujukan kepada publik atas pernyataan yang telah dibuat sebelumnya yang kemungkinan menyinggung rasa keberagamaan (religious feeling) dari pihak-pihak tertentu. Kalimat apology terdapat dalam:

I hereby unconditionally withdraw my statement yang artinya dengan ini saya tanpa paksaan siapa pun menarik kembali pernyataan saya.

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