Pada hari kedua saya dan temen saya pergi ke yogta mall disana saya bersama temen saya memesan minuman.setelah itu saya dan temen saya pwrgi ke lapangan futsal untun menonton pertandingan sekolah kami.sebelum pulang saya pergi ke rumah temen untuk beristirahat sebentar.setelah itu saya pulang ke rumah
On the second day my friend and I went to the Yogya mall there with friends ordering drinks. After that, my friend and I went to the futsal field to watch our school match. Before I go home to friends to take a break. After that I returned home
On the second day my friend and I went to Yogta Mall. I and my friend ordered drinks. After that, my friend and I went to the futsal court to watch our school match. Before going home I went to a friend's house for a vacation. After that I returned to House