Buatkan 10bkalimat dari :

Posted on

-This is (10)
-That is (10)
-It is (10)
(beda beda ya jangan sama kata katanya)
contoh jangan gini :
-this is pen
-that is pen
-it is pen
jadi beda beda

Buatkan 10bkalimat dari :

– this is
1. this is my house
2. this is his cell phone
3. this is the book that I want to buy
4. this is my adress
5. this is her pantry
– that is
1. that is my Father's car
2. that is her bagpack
3. taht is their parents
4. that is his dog
5. that is the barber shop
– it's
1. it's my cat
2. it's his laptop
3. it's her present
4. it's my birthday,do you want to come?
5. it's their exercise

segitu ya sisanya cari sendiri,coba dulu pakai pikiranmu jngn nyerah
semoga bisa bantu