17.What’s the purpose of the announcement above?

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A.To inform all students about choir rehearsal
B.To invite some students to join choir rehearsal
C.To inform some students about choir rehearsal
D.To invite all students to join choir rehearsal

18.How long will the choir rehearsal last?

A.Two hours
B.Three hours
D.Five hours

Text 6 for question no 19-23

Tomato Soup           
-4 large tomatoes
-1 small onion
-8 cups water
-Small clove garlic
-½ teaspoon salt
-¼ teaspoon pepper
-¼ teaspoon butter

1.Fry tomatoes, onion, and garlic in a pan with butter for five minutes.
2.Add water, spices, salt, and pepper.
3.Heat until the wate boils.

4.Turn down the heat and cover the lid.
5.Cook for one hour.
19.What is kind of the text above?


20.How many tomatoes are needed for tomato soup?

a.4 large tomatoes
b.4 small tomatoes
c.1 large tomato
d.1 small tomato

21.How much water is needed for tomato soup?

a.1 cup of water
b.8 cups of water
c.5 cups of water
d.2 cups of water

22.After frying the ingredients in a pan waht is the next step?

a.Turn down the heat.
b.Heat until the water boils.
c.Add water, spices, salt, and pepper.
d.Cook for one hour.

23.What is the last step when making tomato soup?

a.Cook for one hour.
b.Fry the ingredients in a pan.
c.Heat until the water boils.
d.Put stock into a pan.

24.Arrange the jumbled words below!

mother – her – an –Junior High School –teacher – English – is – at

     1          2      3                  4                                   5                    6        7     8

a.2-1-7-3-5-6-8-4                 c. 2-6-5-3-1-7-8-4
d. 2-1-7-3-6-5-8-4

25.listening – their – are – at present – the students – teacher – to

      1                   2         3               4                  5                   6          7

The right arrangement of the jumbled words above is ……

c. 5-1-3-7-4-6-2
b.5-3-1-7-2-6-4                    d. 5-3-1-7-6-2-4

17.What’s the purpose of the announcement above?

17.What’s the purpose of the announcement above?

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