Task 2

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Translate the sentences into English and change it to negative and interrogative pattern!

Example: Lina sedang belajar saat ini.
(+) Lina is studying right now.
(-) Lina is not studying right now.
(?) is Lina studying right now?

1. pak Hasan sedang mencuci mobilnya sekarang.

2. Mereka sedang berdiskusi tentang materi yang baru sekarang.

3. Retha sedang menyiram bunga pada saat ini .

4. murid murid sedang berlatih pertunjukan drama saat ini.

5. Tamara dan Santika sedang menonton film pada saat ini.

kuis yang bener saya jadikan jawaban yang tercerdas dan saya follow.​

Task 2


1. (+) Mr. Hasan is washing his car now

(-) Mr. Hasan is not washing his car now

(?) is Mr. Hasan washing his car now?

2. (+) they are discussing about the new material now

(-) they are not discussing about the new material now

(?) are they discussing about the new material now?

3. (+) Retha is watering the flowers right now

(-) Retha ia not watering the flowers right now

(?) is Retha watering the flowers right now?

4. (+) the students are practicing drama performance right now

(-) the students are not practicing drama performance right now

(?) are the students practicing drama performance right now?

5. (+) Tamara and Santika are watching a movie right now

(-) Tamara and Santika are not watching a movie right now

(?) are Tamara and Santika watching a movie right now?

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