Soal SImak UI Bahasa Inggris The unmistakable buzz of a bumblebee is one of the quintessential sounds of British summertime. However, this slender sound and faint utterance is under threat because bumblebees are in crisis. Of the 25 species native to Britain, three have already been declared extinct, five are designated UK Biodiversity Action Plan priority species, and many more have undergone major range contractions. The great yellow bumblebee, Bombus destinguendus, for example, is now restricted to northern Scotland, Orkney and the Hebrides, and the shirll carder bee, Bombus sylvarum, which was once common throughout southern Britain, now exists only in seven small groups. In addition, as these populations become more isolated they can become inbred, which increase the risk of further extinctions.

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At the end of summer all the bumblebees in a colony die, apart from the virgin queens who mate and then leaves the nest to hibernate over winter. In the spring a queen will make new nest, lay eggs and then raise the first batch of workers. This annual cycle depends on there being enough pollen and nectar to sustain the queen as she establishes her nest and team of workers as the colony grows. Pollen is a protein rich fuel that is key to helping over wintered queens to kick start their reproductive systems ready and for the development of larvae. Nectar, on the other hand, is asugar rich fuel which is converted to honey to feed adult bees. The bees make honey by adding to the nectar in their honey sacs an enzyme called invertase, which converts sucrose sugars to a mixture of glucose and fructose. Once the workers are develop, they take over the foraging and the queen concentrates on laying eggs. Later in the year, if the colony has been successful and reaches a large enough size, the queen will produce male eggs and some female eggs are raised as new queens.
A lack of resources is thought to be the critical factor that is affecting bumblebee populations, and it is related to the loss of wild flowers, both in the countryside and in vast suburban gardens. The biggest impact has been the availability of food and drink, in particular the continuity of supplies throughout the colony cycle. Although nectar is available from a wide range of plants, the bees can be much more choosy about where they collect pollen from, sometimes restricting this to very few flowering plants. In Scotland, overwintered queens of the declining and beautiful bilberry bumblebee focus on bilberry in spring. Other species may focus on legumes such as red clover and bird’s foot trefoil. Sadly, because the UK has lost 98% of its flower rich grasslands, this has been devastating for some bumblebee species.
What can be inferred from the passage about the lifecycle of bumblebee?
A. The new workers are brought up by the male bees.
B. Bumblebees hibernate throughout winter to survive.
C. The virgin queens survive the summer and then continue the reproduction.
D. All the bumblebee in a colony die when summer ends.
The continuation of the lifecycle depends on the skill of the queens in collecting food.

Soal SImak UI Bahasa Inggris The unmistakable buzz of a bumblebee is one of the quintessential sounds of British summertime. However, this slender sound and faint utterance is under threat because bumblebees are in crisis. Of the 25 species native to Britain, three have already been declared extinct, five are designated UK Biodiversity Action Plan priority species, and many more have undergone major range contractions. The great yellow bumblebee, Bombus destinguendus, for example, is now restricted to northern Scotland, Orkney and the Hebrides, and the shirll carder bee, Bombus sylvarum, which was once common throughout southern Britain, now exists only in seven small groups. In addition, as these populations become more isolated they can become inbred, which increase the risk of further extinctions.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Merupakan pertanyaan tentang kesimpulan.

Ciri pertanyaannya: terdapat kata inferred/ concluded pada kalimat pertanyaan (what can be inferred from the passage about the lifecycle of bumblebee?)

Yang dapat disimpulkan tentang siklus hidup lebah jenis bumblebee adalah kutu yang bertahan di musim panas dan melanjutkan proses reproduksi. Informasi tersebut didapat di paragraf ke-2.

Jawaban: C