It’s summer Vacation!

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I am Indah I'm excitedl. We're going
To grandma and grandpa's house. They live neon
the sea and they have a sailboat
like to go sailing. I also like to play
games with grandpa My grandpa is very good
at games. I'm not very good at games on
sailing. but they are fun
1. Where does Indah go on summer vacation?
2 Where do they live?
3. Who is very good at games?
4 Who is not very good at games?
5. How are games and sailing?​

It’s summer Vacation!


1. Where does Indah go on summer vacation?

2 Where do they live?

3. Who is very good at games?

4 Who is not very good at games?

5. How are games and sailing?


Liburan Musim Panas!

Liburan Musim Panas! Saya Indah, saya bersemangat. Kami akan ke rumah nenek dan kakek. Mereka tinggal di laut neon dan memiliki perahu layar yang suka berlayar. Saya juga suka bermain-main dengan kakek, kakek saya sangat hebat di game. Saya tidak terlalu mahir dalam permainan berlayar, tetapi itu menyenangkan.

1. Kemana Indah pergi berlibur musim panas?

  • Indah went to the house of her grandmother and grandfather in the neon sea.

2 Di mana mereka tinggal?

  • they live in a neon sea

3. Siapa yang sangat pandai dalam game?

  • the one who is very good at sailing games is grandfather

4 Siapa yang tidak pandai permainan?

  • who is not good at sailing games is Indah.

5. Bagaimana permainan dan pelayaran?

  • ",.. they are fun."

moga : membantuuu...