Hy guys!i have a sister,named Adiba she is only seven years old but is a frofessional in line skater,she join a club and goes to sevenal.compepetions every year.she practices in line skating three Times aweek every morning she goes jogging and on saturdays she goes swimming.

Posted on

1.how old is Adiba?
2.how often does she practice skating?
3.how often does she go jogging?
4.how often does she swimming?

Hy guys!i have a sister,named Adiba she is only seven years old but is a frofessional in line skater,she join a club and goes to sevenal.compepetions every year.she practices in line skating three Times aweek every morning she goes jogging and on saturdays she goes swimming.

Jawab :

1. How old is Adiba?

She is seven years old.

2. How often does she practice skating?

She practices skating three times a week.

3. How often does she go jogging?

She goes jogging every morning.

4. How often does she swimming?

She swims on Saturday.

Bukti dalam teks :

hey guys! I have a sister, named Adiba she is only seven years old but is a professional in line skater,she join a club and goes to several compepetions every year. She practices in line skating three times a week. Every morning she goes jogging and on saturdays she goes swimming.

Semoga membantu dan maaf kalau salah ^^