1. Our company usually a party for the entire staff at the end of the year.

Posted on

a) give

b) gives

c) have given

d) were giving

2. We expect this project before the end of the month.

a) finish

b) finishing

c) to finish

d) will finish

3. I always carry an extra set of keys my coat pocket.

a) for

b) to

c) on

d) in

4. Sarah won the tennis competition last week, and they gave her a fifty-dollar gift certificate as her


a) price

b) prize

c) pride

d) pries

5. We working on the project after tomorrow’s meeting.

a) will start

b) starting

c) have started

d) started

6. You can contact me … by email or by telephone.

a) but

b) both

c) either

d) neither

7. I think you will find that Ms. Lang is … on that subject than everyone else in this office.

a) knowledgeably

b) knowledgeable

c) most knowledgeable

d) more knowledgeable

8. Any … merchandise can be returned to the store for complete refund.

a) deflective

b) detective

c) deductive

d) defective

9. they had … most of the brochures before anyone else even had a chance to look at them.

a) take

b) took

c) taken

d) taking

10. He … drives his car to work because he doesn’t like dealing with the traffic in the city.

a) never

b) always

c) usually

d) mostly

Part 6: Sentence Completion (30 points)

11. She can’t come to the phone because she her hair.

a) Is washing

b) will wash

c) she is going to was

d) will have washed

12. I called him at nine last night, but he wasn’t at home. He at the library.

a) had studied

b) was studying

c) had been studying

d) studied

13. The boys are playing soccer right now. They for almost two hours. They must be getting tired.

a) have played

b) are playing

c) have been playing

d) will be playing

14. I almost missed my plane. All of the other passengers by the time I got there.

a) have already boarded

b) will have already boarded

c) had already been boarding

d) had already boarded

15. The traffic is very heavy. By the time we get to the airport, Bob’s plane .

a) will have already arrived

b) will be arriving

c) has been arriving

d) has already arrived

1. Our company usually a party for the entire staff at the end of the year.


1. Our company usually a party for the entire staff at the end of the year.

a) give

b) gives

c) have given

d) were giving

2. We expect this project before the end of the month.

a) finish

b) finishing

c) to finish

d) will finish

3. I always carry an extra set of keys my coat pocket.

a) for

b) to

c) on

d) in

4. Sarah won the tennis competition last week, and they gave her a fifty-dollar gift certificate as her

a) price

b) prize

c) pride

d) pries

5. We working on the project after tomorrow’s meeting.

a) will start

b) starting

c) have started

d) started

6. You can contact me … by email or by telephone.

a) but

b) both

c) either

d) neither

7. I think you will find that Ms. Lang is … on that subject than everyone else in this office.

a) knowledgeably

b) knowledgeable

c) most knowledgeable

d) more knowledgeable

8. Any … merchandise can be returned to the store for complete refund.

a) deflective

b) detective

c) deductive

d) defective

9. they had … most of the brochures before anyone else even had a chance to look at them.

a) take

b) took

c) taken

d) taking

10. He … drives his car to work because he doesn’t like dealing with the traffic in the city.

a) never

b) always

c) usually

d) mostly

Part 6: Sentence Completion (30 points)

11. She can’t come to the phone because she her hair.

a) Is washing

b) will wash

c) she is going to was

d) will have washed

12. I called him at nine last night, but he wasn’t at home. He at the library.

a) had studied

b) was studying

c) had been studying

d) studied

13. The boys are playing soccer right now. They for almost two hours. They must be getting tired.

a) have played

b) are playing

c) have been playing

d) will be playing

14. I almost missed my plane. All of the other passengers by the time I got there.

a) have already boarded

b) will have already boarded

c) had already been boarding

d) had already boarded

15. The traffic is very heavy. By the time we get to the airport, Bob’s plane .

a) will have already arrived

b) will be arriving

c) has been arriving

d) has already arrived


Jawaban dicetak tebal.

1. B. karena menggunakan bentuk Simple Present Tense, pesta tahunan.

2. C. karena kata kerja expect menggunakan to infinitive.

3. D. Karena di dalam = in

4. B. Karena hadiah = prize

5. A. karena menggunakan bentuk Simple Future Tense

6. C. Karena either menggunakan or, either this or that…

7. D. Karena merupakan bentuk Comparative, more knowledgeable than…

8. D. Karena defective merchandise = barang dagangan yang rusak

9. C. Karena setelah had + Verb-3

10. A. Karena dia tidak pernah = never mau terjebak kemacetan

11. A. Karena pada saat yang bersamaan, dia sedang mencuci rambutnya

12. B. Karena pada saat yang bersamaan di waktu lamapu, dia sedang belajar

13. C. Karena mereka sudah sedang bermain bola hampir selama 2 jam

14. D. Karena menggunakan bentuk kalimat Past Perfect Tense

15. A. Karena menggunakan bentuk kalimat Past Future Perfect Tense

Semoga membantu ya.