Contoh dialog expression leaving and taking messages

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Contoh dialog expression leaving and taking messages

Mona : Hello.
Zizah : Hello, Mon. This is zizah. May I speak to Kholik, please?
Mona : I’m sorry but he has gone out. Would you like to leave a message?
Zizah : Yes. Please tell Kholik that I won’t be able to come for football practice tomorrow morning. I have sprained my ankle. Please tell him to inform Mr. Andik Firmansya that I cannot have the practice for at least two weeks.
Mona : Oh I am sorry to hear that. I hope your ankle gets better soon.
Zizah : Thank you, Mona.
Mona : Hold on, please. Have you seen a doctor?
Zizah : I haven’t. I don’t think it’s that bad.
Mona : I think you’d better go to the doctor to check your ankle.
Zizah : Thanks for the advice, Mona. See you then, bye.
Mona : You’re welcome, Assalamualaikum.
Zizah : Waalaikumsalam.