hencari kesupulan
Lina, you are a very good story teller.
I'm sure you will win the school's
story-telling competition. Good luck!
Congratulations on being the
champion of the class, Lina! I hope
you will be the winner of the school's
competition, too.
Thank you, Edo.
Thanks. I hope so, too.
Lina, I'm happy for you. Congratulations!
I hope you win the first prize in the
school's competition.
Thank you.
Wish me luck!
Apa kesimpulan dari halaman 3-4
bahasa inggris Kelas IX Smp
Observing & Asking Questions
Mengamati & Mengajukan Pertanyaan
hencari kesuulan
Lina, Anda adalah pendongeng yang sangat baik.
Saya yakin Anda akan memenangkan sekolah
lomba bercerita. Semoga berhasil!
Selamat menjadi
juara dari