Tolong dijawab besok dikumpul

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Tolong dijawab besok dikumpul

Tolong dijawab besok dikumpul

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Write in past future tense or present future tense

  1. Father would like to study a map. AND Father is going to study a map.
  2. They would like to participate in a debate competition. AND They are going to participate in a debate competition.
  3. Bayu would like to write a short story. AND Bayu is going to write a short story.
  4. My sister and I would like to throw a party. AND My sister and I are going to throw a party.
  5. We would like to correct/repair/mend our piece. AND We are going to correct/repair/mend our piece.
  6. The monkey would like to climb the tree in front of Fuad's house. AND The monkey is going to climb the tree in front of Fuad's house.
  7. I would like to paint a scenery of Losari Beach. AND I am going to paint a scenery of Losari Beach.
  8. My brother would like to spell the words on the whiteboard. AND My brother is going to spell the words on the whiteboard.
  9. My mother would like to bake a birthday cake. AND My mother is going to bake a birthday cake.
  10. My cousin would like to invite my friends tonight. AND My cousin are going to invite my friends tonight.


Kalimat yang ditulis menggunakan ungkapan would like to + Verb1 memiliki makna 'ingin me-…'. Dari 10 kalimat di atas, ada beberapa situasi yang sebenarnya tidak cocok menggunakan pola ini karena maknanya tidak sesuai dengan situasinya.

Kalimat yang ditulis menggunakan ungkapan be going to + Verb1 memiliki makna 'akan me-…' yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang akan dilakukan sesuai rencana sebelum pembicaraan.


Detil Tambahan

Kelas: SMP

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: To Be Going To Infinitive vs Would Like To Infinitive

Kata Kunci: to be going to, would like, to infinitive