Dialog percakapan bhs inggris 4 orang minimal 16 dialog

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Dialog percakapan bhs inggris 4 orang minimal 16 dialog

CJ : Hi there Khloe ! What are you doing here ?
Khloe : Hi CJ ! I'm doing research about environment and pollution. How about you ?
CJ : Just having some walk. Btw, have you study for english test tomorrow ?
Khloe : Yes,i have. It's so hard
CJ : Yes, this unit is really hard. Do you want to study together ?
Khloe : I would love to. When do you want to study ?
CJ : How about now at my house ?
Khloe : That's sounds great !
CJ : Are you okay with that ?
Khloe : Yes,it's allright.
CJ : How about your research?
Khloe : Oh, it's okay. I can continue do the research tomorrow.
CJ : Allright then. What should i prepare for our study together ?
Khloe : our books ofcourse.
CJ : Only that ? How about pizza for dinner and coke for the drink ?
Khloe : I'm okay with that.
Khloe : Cool ! See you later then

A:hi B, C, and D jow are you?
B: hi A im fine how bout you?
C: im fine thankyou
D: im also fine. how about you A?
A: im fine thankyou
B: Where do you wanna go next weekend?
A: i wanna go to my uncle house
C: where is it?
A: my uncle house is at surabaya.
D: wow its very interesting
A: ya, i was very exciting.
C: ok A, see you soon
B: have a nice weekend A.
A: Byee all. Jope you have a nice weekend too
C, D, B: Bye A! Thankyou