Expressing preference using prefer…to…
Saat Kita Berbicara tentang frekuensi umum maka frekuensi diikuti dgn kata kerja bentuk
-ing /bisa juga bentuk to invinitive
(+) Subject + prefer + something + to + something
(+) Subject + prefer + Verb-ing + to + Verb-ing
Maaf kalau salah
5. The students prefer Miss Lewis to Mr.Johnson.
6. We prefer the school library to the neighborhood bookshop.
7. Sharon prefers singing to composing songs.
8. The shopkeeper prefers receiving cash to cheques.
9. He prefers riding a motorcycle to driving a car.
10. Everyone prefers the beach to the park.
11. Ryan prefers a dog to a cat as a pet.
12. She prefers the white dress to the blue one.
13. We prefer swimming in the pool to swimming in the sea..
14. The students prefer English to Mathematics.
15. Most people prefer watching a drama to acting in one.
Saat kita berbicara tentang preferensi (pilihan) umum, maka preferensi diikuti dengan kata kerja bentuk -ing atau bisa juga bentuk to Infinitive.
(+) Subject + prefer + something + to + something
(+) Subject + prefer + Verb-ing + to + Verb-ing
Semoga membantu ya.