note :
silahkan di baca dulu materi sebelum
menjawab ya anak-anak/kakak-kakak.
discussion :
( 1 ). what is global warming?
( 2 ). is it a serve problem? why?
( 3 ). what kind of teks is given above?
terjemahan :
(1). apa itu pemanasan global?
(2). apakah ini masalah servis? mengapa?
(3). jenis teks apa yang diberikan di atas?
Have a great time doing it : )
selamat megerjakan .
Jawab lah discussion di bawah
- What is Global Warming?
Global warming is a phenomenon used to describe the gradual increase in the temperature of earth's atmosphere and oceans. - Is it a severe problem? why?
yes, it is. The impact of global warming is noticable such as failed crops, economic slowdown and deforestation. A recent study has shown that due to unpredictable weather patterns, there have been lot of failed crops (Reuters,2007) - What kind of text is given above?
That is an Analytical Exposition Text