Mohon bantuannyauntuk cara mengerjakan soalnya susun kata katanya terlebih dahulu​

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Mohon bantuannyauntuk cara mengerjakan soalnya susun kata katanya terlebih dahulu​

Mohon bantuannyauntuk cara mengerjakan soalnya susun kata katanya terlebih dahulu​


4.(?) do the student's hold a flag ceremony every Monday ?

(+)the student's hold a flag ceremony every Monday

(-)the student's doesn't hold a flag ceremony every monday

5.(-) they donot bring their dictionary everyday

(+)they bring their dictionary everyday

(?)do they bring their dictionary everyday ?

6.(+)i water the flower every afternoon

(-)i do not water the flower every afternoon

(?)do i water the flower every afternoon ?

7.(?)does your mother wipe tables the every day ?

(+)your Mother wipe tables the every day

(-)your mother not wipe tables the every day


maaf kalo salah


4. (+) the students hold a flag ceremony every monday

(-)the students don't hold a flag ceremony every monday

(?) Do the students hold a flag ceremony every monday?

5. (+) they bring their dictionary everyday

(-) they don't bring their dictionary everyday

(?) Do they bring their dictionary everyday?

6. (+) i water the Flowers every afternoon

(-) i don't water the Flowers every afternoon

(?) Do i water the Flowers every afternoon?

7. (+) your mother wipes the tables everyday

(-) your mother doesn't wipe the tables everyday

(?) Does your mother wipe the tables everyday?