Tolong ka yg jenius’ jawab pls​

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Tolong ka yg jenius' jawab pls​

Tolong ka yg jenius’ jawab pls​

Task 4

Practice the following dialogue and answer the questions!

  • Thomas : Do you have any insurance?
  • Maudy : Not yet. I will have it in July. I got health insurance for my family. How about you?
  • Thomas: I still haven't decided yet, I think it is an added expense to the budget.
  • Maudy : It's true but it's actually very practical especially when you have unforeseeable events such as serious illness. If you're insured, you will have no worries.
  • Thomas : How do you pay for it?
  • Maudy : Usually you can pay it monthly or quarterly. If you're interested, I can refer you to my insurance company. It opens at 9 in the morning and closes at 4 in the afternoon. No lunch break.
  • Thomas : What about on the weekends?
  • Maudy : I think they are closed on Saturdays and Sundays.


1. Who are involved in the dialogue?

➡ Siapa yang terlibat dalam percakapan tersebut?

  • Answer: Thomas and Maudy. ✔
  • Keterangan: Berdasarkan teks hanya ada 2 nama tersebut.

2. What insurance will be gotten by Maudy?

➡ Asuransi apa yang akan didapatkan oleh Maudy?

  • Answer: She got health insurance. ✔
  • Keterangan: Berdasarkan kalimat pertama Maudy yang artinya "Saya mendapat asuransi kesehatan untuk keluarga saya." Jadi, yang dia dapatkan adalah asuransi kesehatan.

3. When will Maudy get the insurance?

➡ Kapan Maudy akan mendapatkan asuransinya?

  • Answer: in July. ✔
  • Keterangan: Berdasarkan kalimat pertama Maudy yang artinya "Saya akan memilikinya pada bulan Juli." Jadi, dia akan mendapatkan pada bulan juli.

4. Why does Thomas not have insurance yet?

➡ Kenapa Thomas tidak mendapatkan asuransi?

  • Answer: Because he still haven't decided yet. ✔
  • Keterangan: Karena berdasarkan kalimat kedua Thomas bahwa ia masih belum memutuskan.

5. What is Maudy offer to Thomas?

➡ Apa tawaran Maudy untuk Thomas?

  • Answer: Maudy offers Thomas to her insurance company. ✔
  • Keterangan: Berdasarkan kalimat Maudy yang ketiga disitu dia menawarkan thomas untuk ke perusahaan asuransi maudy juga.


Reading :


Mapel : Bahasa Inggris

Materi : Reading

Level : JHS

Kode soal : 5

Kode kategorisasi : 8.5