Task 1

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Change the word in the bracket into correct Simple Present Tense!
1. Aira, Mike, and Dira (study)
2. Doctor (check) …
.. the patients twice a day.
3. The post man (come)…
… to my school
4. My little sister (not cry).
in the night
5. The boys (play)
football in the afternoon.
6. The teacher (teach) ..
……………. the students everyday.
7. My brother go
… to the office
8. The dancer (dance)
… in the hall
9. Water (flow)
from the higher to the lower.
10. My mother (not go)…
to the market

Task 1


1.studying 2.checking 3.is coming 4.isn't crying 5.are playing 6.is teaching 7.is dancing 8.is dancing 9.is flowing 10.is not going


1. Study

2. Checks

3. Comes

4. Do not cry

5. Play

6. Teaches

7. Goes

8. Dances

9. Flow

10. Do not go


Untuk subjek yang jamak maka kata kerja tidak dikasih imbuhan -s atau -es