Change the sentences in to (+), (-), and (?) form of simple past tense :

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1. the stars (shine) in the dark night
2. Cats (are) tame animal
3. My uncle (buys) a New car
4. the mango tree(grows) in the garden ​

Change the sentences in to (+), (-), and (?) form of simple past tense :


1. (+) The stars shine in the dark night

() The stars didn't (did not) shine in the dark night

(?) Did the stars shine in the dark night?

2. (+) Cats ware tame animal

(-) Cats weren't (were not) tame animal

(?) Were cats tame animal?

3. (+) My uncle bought a new car

(-) My uncle did buy a new car

(?) Did my uncle buy a new car?

4. (+) The mango tree grew in the garden

(-) The mango tree didn't (did not) grow in the garden

(?) Did the mango tree grow in the garden?


Simple Past Tense adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian di masa lampau.

Berikut adalah rumus Simple Past Tense :

• Positive Verbal = (+) S + V2 + O atau

• Positif Nominal = (+) S + Was/Were + V2 + nominal

• Negative Verbal = (-) S + did not + V1 + Infinitive atau

• Negatif Nominal = (-) S + was/were not + nominal

• Interrogative Verbal = (?) Did + S + (infinitive) ? atau

• Interrogative Nominal= (?) Was/Were + S + (nominal)?

Keterangan :

to be Was untuk subject I, He, She, It dan subject lainnya yang tunggal.

to be Were untuk subject You, They, We dan subject lainnya yang jamak.

semoga membantu^^



