Buatlah pidato bahasa inggris tentang impian dan harapan kalian

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Buatlah pidato bahasa inggris tentang impian dan harapan kalian

Assalamualaikum Wr. wb

Dear Miss Amina M. Nur, as guidance counselor

Dear all friends

Let us pray toward praise and thankfulness to Allah SWT, because of His grace and mercy we can get together on this happy day.

I thank you because I had been allowed to stand here delivering a speech on the theme "Passion for Achieving Goals".

On this occasion, I would like to invite all of us to remember how important it is to have ideals. What ideals will have an effect in our lives? I hope that on this occasion we all come to know, how much influence the ideals in our lives.

Ladies and gentlemen,

The ideals for many people to have two definitions. For some people these ideals is the purpose of life and for some others the ideals it just a dream. For people who consider the ideals it is the purpose of life, the ideals it will be used as a fuel that can be fired up to continue to move forward with a clear purpose in life. But for those who regard the ideals it just a dream then the dream is nothing more than a fantasy or just a dream bedtime without a fire that can burn maju.Hal motivation for this step was the cause of their lives with no purpose clear.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Having goals is very important, as well as with efforts to reach it. Man without ideals is like water flowing from the mountains to the plains, following the flow of the river take him anywhere. Man without ideals like someone who was lost that runs without a clear purpose so that he could even farther astray again. Hard work is needed in this case. Surely we as students know what to do to reach goals, namely to study hard and always believed that the future is ours, we will be dea spearhead the future, we will set the future, if not us who else?

And that has always been an obstacle for us to achieve goals is an attitude that is too careless, lazy, and too dependent self to others. I feel a lot of today's young generation indoctrinated with the wrong words, one example young people today are always saying 'What about later wrote' 'when the truth is "I'll what?' '. This is what we show the younger generation that careless. And the worst when we hang ourselves to others, including our parents. Because our parents successful we become calm, confident that in the future we will be successful as well, or even careless even in the face of the future without learning and practicing diligently. Of course this action is wrong because the key to success in the future Perseverance is not a descendant. The future is a reflection of our lives today. The life we ​​choose when it became an another reflection of our lives in the future. Our courage to take risks today could be a success unexpected in our future.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

From childhood we are definitely advised by parents, teachers or books to hang ideals skies. These things are true because with the ideals or dreams in life we will make our spirit and working hard to achieve a better life in the world.

Good ideals are the ideals that can be achieved through hard work, creativity, innovation, support others and so on. Dreamy fantasy results tend to be illogical and wasteful because much time is wasted on menghayal a no-no. In no aspiring should not be too detailed and fanatics because we can make stress and depression if not achieved.

Therefore, from now on we should not hesitate or even embarrassed in choosing the ideal, because there is nothing impossible about we want to try and work hard. If you can not determine the ideals, the dreams of citalah to be a useful person and loved by many people living well off. To get motivated in the pursuit of the ideals we can study the success stories of others or reading.

Ideals not only associated with a profession, but more than that it is a purpose in life. As someone who aspires to have a lot of property, to be famous, around the world, have a good achievement and a myriad of other ideals. But do not forget the ideals that later after we die go to heaven. Must go to heaven do we stand for as long as we live in the world because our life is basically a test to worship God and to us. We are dead not bring nothing but our deeds.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Hopefully what I've said earlier helpful for all of us that are here. We are sorry if a lot of errors in delivery, because perfection belongs only to God and the mistake is ours as human beings. Ahkir said congratulations and successfully achieve goals wasssalamualaikum wr.wb