Buatlah Percakapan wawancara bahasa inggris tentang hail(hujan es). untuk 4 orang ,yaitu journalist,victim,red cross team,resque team .

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Buatlah Percakapan wawancara bahasa inggris tentang hail(hujan es). untuk 4 orang ,yaitu journalist,victim,red cross team,resque team .

Journalist: We are here today to see one of the victim from the uncommon phenomenon yesterday. Jess, was it scary when it happened?
Victim: Yes, I thought I wasn't going to survive. Turns out I got bruise on my forehead.
Journalist: Good thing that you can seize another day! How do you handle that bruise young lass?
Rescue Team: That would be us. My name is Derek and my partner Eric here who rescued this stunning woman.
Journalist: Whoa! You both are guardians! Eric, are you a one of the rescuers too?
Red Cross Team: To frank with you, I'm not even a rescuer I just tag along because I heard there was a jaw-droppingly beautiful woman.
Journalist: Well, ain't this interview newsworthy. Oops, that's all the time we have on Vixen news!