mengarang tentang hari kemerdekaan menggunakan bahasa inggris. ( pake simple past tense & simple present tense) minimal 3 paragraf.

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mengarang tentang hari kemerdekaan menggunakan bahasa inggris. ( pake simple past tense & simple present tense) minimal 3 paragraf.

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Why we must celebrate the national Independence day? because national independence day is an annual event that is celebrated to commemorate the independence of a nation into a sovereign state.
Independence is a gift from God and got through the struggle for hundred of years. long time ago, many of our heroes died. they fought for a better future of Indonesia. our heroes were never afraid even though they only had traditional weapons.
They fought invaders by only spears, while the Dutch and Japan continued to stopped their resistance using modern weapons. after struggling for hundred of years with slogan that they always remember “freedom or we death” they won and made this land belongs to us the people of Indonesia. for that reason, we should celebrate the national independence day for commemorate the struggle of our beloved heroes.