Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. The Honorable to all of the judges, teacher, and my friends. iam standing here to tell you about Heroes. Ladies and Gentlemen Every November 10 we always commemorate our The Day of Heroes. We Independence is not free. There are so much struggles and sacrifices to get the wood fighting for our independence, are called heroes. A here didn’t ask anything. They dedicada their lives for our freedom Indonesian freedom As a student, we have to respect and appreciate to our herdes. We can continue by studying hard We must pray to them everyday before start our lesson. Oon forget to pictures on the wall. I don’t want to hear that a student cantander the queen bouchet Ladies and Gentlemen Surabaya is well know as a ty of Heroes Many people dead ghang our freedom One of the heroes was called Bung Tomo He was burning the people sit for mere Suroboyo by his speech on Radio Ahow ways in my heart and our hearts Thank you for your attention and goodbye.

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Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. The Honorable to all of the judges, teacher, and my friends. iam standing here to tell you about Heroes. Ladies and Gentlemen Every November 10 we always commemorate our The Day of Heroes. We Independence is not free. There are so much struggles and sacrifices to get the wood fighting for our independence, are called heroes. A here didn’t ask anything. They dedicada their lives for our freedom Indonesian freedom As a student, we have to respect and appreciate to our herdes. We can continue by studying hard We must pray to them everyday before start our lesson. Oon forget to pictures on the wall. I don’t want to hear that a student cantander the queen bouchet Ladies and Gentlemen Surabaya is well know as a ty of Heroes Many people dead ghang our freedom One of the heroes was called Bung Tomo He was burning the people sit for mere Suroboyo by his speech on Radio Ahow ways in my heart and our hearts Thank you for your attention and goodbye.


Selamat pagi Tuan dan Nyonya. Yang Terhormat untuk semua juri, guru, dan teman-teman saya. saya berdiri di sini untuk memberi tahu Anda tentang Pahlawan. Hadirin sekalian Setiap tanggal 10 November kami selalu memperingati Hari Pahlawan. Kami Kemerdekaan tidak bebas. Begitu banyak perjuangan dan pengorbanan untuk mendapatkan kayu perjuangan kemerdekaan kita, itulah yang disebut dengan pahlawan. A di sini tidak bertanya apa-apa. Mereka mendedikasikan hidup mereka untuk kebebasan kita kebebasan Indonesia Sebagai mahasiswa, kita harus menghormati dan menghargai bangsa kita. Kita dapat melanjutkan dengan belajar dengan giat. Kita harus berdoa kepada mereka setiap hari sebelum memulai pelajaran kita. Oon lupa gambar di dinding. Saya tidak ingin mendengar bahwa seorang mahasiswa cantander ratu bouchet Bapak-bapak dan Ibu-ibu Surabaya dikenal sebagai salah satu Pahlawan Banyak orang mati ghang kebebasan kita Salah satu pahlawan disebut Bung Tomo Dia membakar orang duduk untuk Suroboyo belaka oleh pidatonya di Radio Ahow cara di hati saya dan hati kita Terima kasih atas perhatian dan selamat tinggal.


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